sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014

How it´s Made Electric Motor

How it´s Made Electric Motor


"Electric motors are made up of two main components. One stationary called the stator, the other a rotor that moves inside the stator. The stator has multiple wire coils running electricity through them that creates a concentrated magnetic field that turns the rotor creating mechanical power. (...)"

  • Stationary - Estacionario
  • Stator - Estator
  • Rotor - Rotor
  • Coil - Bobina
"(...) Workers cap each coil with fiberglass insulation. Then they insulate the portion of the coil left outside the slots with fiberglass sheets. Then they insert fiberglass wedges to lock the coils inside the slots. (...)"

  • Cap - Tapar
  • Fiberglass - Fibra de vidrio
  • Insulation - Aislamiento
  • Fiberglass insulation - Aislante de fibra de vidrio
  • Fiberglass sheets - Hojas de fibra de vidrio
  • Fiberglass wedges - Cuñas de fibra de vidrio
"(...) Now, using a cord made of heat and chemical resistant polyester, they bind the coils tightly to ensure they won´t move when the motor spins. This unit abound coils is known as the stator coil. (...)"

  • Cord - Cable
  • Bind - Unir
  • Abound - Abundan
"(...) Now, they have to balance the rotor. If it´s off kilter the motor will vibrate hampering performance. They balance it the same way a mechanic balances car tires, only with 100 times greater precision. (...)"

  • Kilter - Armonía
  • Hampering - Obstaculizar
  • Performance - Desempeño
"(...) Now, they heat the fan and install it over the back cover. The fan´s job is to cool the running motor, so that it doesn´t overheat and breakdown. (...)"

  • Back cover - Parte trasera
  • Overheat - Sobrecalientamiento
  • Breakdown - Quebrar
"(...) Then install a cover on the front of the motor as well. They run the finished motor through various tests: to assemble other things, insulation strenght and perfomance. These industrial motors are designed for use in factories for running machinery such as conveyor belts, pumps, fans and compressors."

  • Insulation strenght - Resistencia de aislamiento
  • Conveyor belt - Banda transportadora
  • Pumps - Bombas

Gabriel Iván Contreras Olivas 5ºJ

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