viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

News with Gabriel Contreras

GC.- Good night Chihuaha. This is Gabriel Contreras reporting with Ivan Olivas.

IO.- Hi, everyone! As always is a pleasure to be here with you with the most interesting news.

GC.- Today, November 28th, has fallen Roberto Gómez Bolaños, actor, comedian, writter, producer, etc. He is known by interpreting characters like El Chavo del 8, El Chapulin Colorado, El Dr. Chapatin, and many others. He died at the age of 85, but he was the best of the mexican television, better than Cantinflas and Capulina. Rest in peace, genious.

IO.- Yeah, Mexico is mourling for this devastating moment. Well, in weather news, be careful! It´s cloudy with a chance of meatball in the downtown. There is some rain in the north of the city, but if you live in the south, go for some voleyball balls because it´s over 100 ºF.

GC.- Now, passing for the sports news, athletes of all countrys has begun the... International Contest of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U! Who will win? We don´t know because we are not there, but it is going to be awesome!

IO.- Finally, with some electronics news, the New 3DS is going to be on sales in... 2015! So, you have enough time to save money because it is not going to be cheape.

GC.- Well, that´s all for this emission of Brothers news. As always I was Gabriel Contreras.

IO.- And I was Ivan Olivas. See you next time!


Mrs. Johnson.- Good morning Mr. Contreras.

Me.- Good morning Mrs. Johnson. It´s a pleasure to meet you.

Mrs. Johnson.- The pleasure is mine. Please, tell me about yourself.

Me.- Of course. I was born in Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico in August 16th of 1997. I studied tecnician in Mecatronic in CBTis 122 and I studied engineering in the University of La Salle.

Mrs. Johnson.- That´s good. Now tell me, why do you want to work here?

Me.- Because in this industry I can raise in my job schredule, and begin in my laboral history.

Mrs. Johnson.- There are other aspirants for the job. Why we should contract you?

Me.- Because I can work in team and I can be very helpful.

Mrs. Johnson.- I saw your academic history. Very impressive Mr. Contreras.

Me.- Thank you, I aprecciate it. I always wanted to be a very good student and have very good grades.

Mrs. Johnson.- In this place, you need to realize a few medical tests.

Me.- There is no problem for me. I don´t smoke and I don´t drink alcohol.

Mrs. Johnson.- Nice, you´re healthy. That´s very important here. Well, that´s all for now. We will call you in a few weeks. Thank you for coming, Mr. Contreras.

Me.- Thank you for this big oportunity. I will be waiting for your call. Thank you very much,

Life In Space (text only)

What are the differences between life in space and on the Earth?
Would you like to live in space?

Outer space is very different from the Earth. The differences can be good or bad! For example, in space you can´t breathe without an oxygen mask because there is no air. What about jumping? In space, you can jump much further and much higher. Another good things is that you can see the stars and planets better because ther is no pollution in space!

Give Me Space!

The International Space Station (ISS) is like a big house in space. The astronauts don´t feel the effects of gravity and float around the station. Their life in space is different from life on the Earth.

Astronauts eat the same food in space that people eat on the Earth. The food is in plastic containers, though. Sometimes they add water, and sometimes they heat it in an oven.

What about clothes? The atmosphere in the space station is controlled by computers, so astronauts dress the same way as people on the Earth. They wear special clothes only when traveling to and from the station on the space shuttle.

Astronauts need to wash themselves in space. Of course, there are no showers, baths, or faucets! So, they wipe their bodies clean with towels. Or they wash themselves with special soap that doesn´thave to be rinsed off.

Sleeping is different in space, too. Astronauts sleep in sleeping bags in small rooms, but they have to tie themselves down before going to bed. Otherwise, they would float around the station!

It must be great living in space... but only for a while. Imagine: no baths, no swimming pools, and no walks in the park!

Review (text only)

We have in our hands the control of a Kokiri boy, Link. The Great Deku Tree, defender of the Forest and guide of the Kokiri, assign the young Link a task, to finish with the evil in the Kingdom of Hyrule. Accompanied with a fairy, he must travel between two times to recover the peace. He will visit new cities with secrets everywhere, travel to dangerous places called “Temples”, and he will make friends and enemies in this legendary game.

Visual Quality
It has very big spaces, perfection with details and surprises. It was the first The Legend Of Zelda in three dimensions, so the graphics were very well for its time.

The variety of music pieces is awesome. The orchestra of The Legend Of Zelda series did a good job. Original and memorable songs are in this game.

The controls are very friendly. Everyone who has not experience with this kind of game will have no problem. The only weakness is the slingshot and the bow.

The numbers of puzzles in this game are so much that you need long time for finish the game completely. One little mistake and you will have a Game Over.