domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Christ the Redeemer

It is a statue of 38 meters of height and it is in the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It was inaugurated in October 12th, 1931, after five years of building. It was designed by the architect Paul Landowski and it is considered like one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. 

In 1990, it was restaured by several organizations.More work on the statue and its environs was conducted in 2003 and early 2010. In 2003, a set of scalators, walkways, and elevators were installed to facilitate access to the platform surrounding the statue. 

The design is considered for this statue included a representation of the Christian cross, a statue of Jesus with a globe in his hands, and a pedestal symbolizing the world. The statue of Christ the Redeemer with open arms, a symbol of peace was chosen.

Gabriel Iván Contreras Olivas 5ºJ

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