sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

Sacrum Art Museum

Located under the cathedarl, the Sacrum Art Museum was a Treasure Room, but it was adapted to museum by the architects Filiph Siqueiros and Mario Arras and it was inaugurated en October 14th, 1984.

It has two big rooms: one dedicated to the angels, anthe other one with a very big collectio of paints of the age. The museum has paints like the "Immaculate Conception" by Michael Cabrera, "San Francisco of Kostka" by Francisco Martinez, "The Flogging", "The Crucifixion" by Joseph Alcibar, and another 18 dedicated to the "Passion of Christ", an ivory crucifix and a wooden sculpture of "Christ of Mapimi". 

Everybody is welcome to the museum, from Monday to Friday in a schedul from 16:00 to 18:00 hours. Teachers, student and olders have a discount so, what are you waiting for?

Gabriel Iván Contreras Olivas 5ºJ

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